Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Wilder: Helping a brother out

It never ceases to amaze me how sweet Wilder can be. We received a toy catalog in the mail a few days ago, and he's been going through page by page circling things he'd like for Santa to bring him — so much so that it's now pretty dog-eared.

But now, having searched through it exhaustively for selections for himself, he's now spent a good portion of his day finding things that Santa can bring his little brother.

We also look at the Christmas Countdown online every day, and his response is: "Oh maaaan, that's gonna take forever!"

1 comment:

Mel said...

ok Kris, this is so freaky. i have the exact same catalog and every toy in the book is circled with black pen. last week, i needed a quick distraction for eva so i suggested that she look at it. she found a pen and began her circling. she takes it everywhere with her, including the pen!

also, this is the second amazing coincidence for us today. i am going to blog about the first one as soon as i get a chance. too funny!!! go wilder!!!