Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Funny boy

Just now as Wilder was going to bed, I was lying in bed with him, ostensibly to sing him a song, but really, we usually just lie there and cuddle and chat and try to make each other laugh. Tonight, he somehow managed to connect his elbow to my eye socket. As I held my eye, moaning a little, he leaned over and kissed it very gently.

Very sweet.

Then he told me: "Sometimes, when you get hurt, you need a kiss. But I hope it's not your feet that are hurt."

Long pause filled with the sound of me giggling.

"Actually," he continued, "I hope it's not ANYONE'S feet that get hurt."

More pause, more giggling. Then, when I'd composed myself, I said: "Yeah, but if I did hurt my foot, you'd kiss it, right?"

"No mama. You'd just have to go to the hospital."

Then we both laughed, me much harder than him, until Wilder had to ask, "Mama? Can you talk?"

Man oh man oh man I love this kid and his wonderful growing totally awesome sense of humor.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Oh oh oh, you made me giggle with this one! I think you should lessen his vocabulary, as we will all suffer from his wisdom!