Monday, July 30, 2012

Brave Wilder

A couple of weeks ago, the boys and I met some friends up at the Broomfield library for a program about space. I can't remember who the speaker was, but a younger scientist guy from Boulder. He was great with the kids and the program was pretty great, too.

At the end of the program, they allowed a limited number of questions from kids in the audience. They chose them all at once and the kids were asked to come line up by the microphone. Wilder's hand immediately shot up. I knew it would. Wilder has a crazy curious mind and asks the best questions. He constantly has me learning new stuff.

So he walks over to the lady with the microphone and somehow ends up first in line (probably because he "cut" — he's delightfully curious, yes, but also completely oblivious to what or who is around him most of the time).

I see him there with that little microphone held up to his face. My heart pounds for him. I am horribly afraid of speaking in front of a huge group of people I don't know.

Anyway, you can see in the video how he did. He told me afterward, "I was scared, but I did it anyway. It took me awhile to get my question out, but I did it."

That boy is not only crazy curious. He is crazy brave. "I was scared, but I did it anyway" ... that is a theme with him right now. I'll tell the roller coaster story another time ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bravery is not the absence of fear; it is doing what needs to be done in the face of fear
