Friday, August 08, 2008

Couldn't pick just one

So I know there's a lot of takes on the same photo here. But oh, I so love pictures of Wilder and Hunter together. Not only are they developing this cute little relationship, but it never ceases to amaze and perplex me how different they look from one another. For the first time in these photos, I think you can see that Hunter looks quite like me. Actually, he looks quite like my own dad, Grandpa Jon, who I think will be quite happy about that (yay Pop!).

I'm off to peel Jerry out of Wilder's room (we're both so tired tonight that he fell asleep rocking Hunter to sleep and I fell asleep in the "big bed" with Wilder watching cartoons; then I woke Jerry up to lie Hunter down and he crept into Wilder's room to say g'nite and I think he's passed out in there now. We need an early-to-bed night.)

Here are the pics:

This is the photo where I think you can most see Hunter's resemblance to my family, particularly my Pop. Also, check out the grasp Hunter has on Wilder's shirt. He LOVES to grab handfuls of Wilder's hair or clothing, much to W's dismay.

There often seems to be a hint of bemusement in Hunter's eyes to me. As if he's saying: These people are strange, and just how the hell did I end up here anyway?

Another good H face: Agggghh Mama! Help me!

And finally, here's our littlest one on his own. I think his T-shirt says it well -- he is so adorable. And I think here you can see a glimpse of the little boy he will become. And seriously, could you not eat those cheeks up over and over again?

G'nite blog readers. Love to all. k.


Mel said...

Great pictures Kris! Emily loves Hunters "big cute eyes," Sarah says he has cute lips.

We are all in agreement here, highly edible cheeks.

Anonymous said...

You are right about Hunter resembling your family. My kids had those same eyebrows. Mine were like that, too.

The Charli and Davis Show said...

Kris, they are gorgeous!! Hunters eyes! And yes, those very edible cheeks! W is just so darn gorgeous!! I can't wait to get together and see them in person. When? I have absolutely no idea! But if we keep saying it then it's bound to happen, right?