Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The making of lemon chess pie

Got our Thanksgiving pies made today, too, and BONUS! The batter made for two pies -- not one as the recipe said. Woot! BONUS PIE!!

Not sure if they taste good, but they smell and look pretty, as Hunter would say, "deewishus!!"

The fixings await ...

That handsy, sample-happy sous chef strikes again!

Ta-dahhhhh! (Now let's all pray they taste decent ...)


Mel said...

wow! they look amazing! but let's call the batter "dough" from now on. and, maybe you had a recipe for a pie that has a top and a bottom crust? just sayin...

p.s. the word verification says inationi, [say it like eeena teee o neeee] i think that it sounds so cool that it needs to really be a word.

Mel said...

ok, waking up this morning i realized i needed to re-read. yes,i'm having humble pie for breakfast! drinking and commenting should be illegal...in my case ;)

K said...

It's OK, Mel, because I had no idea what you were saying on the first comment. I just assumed you left out a few words or maybe that you WERE drinking :-) Good for you, girl ... cheers! Hope you and yours have a very happy Thanksgiving. xoxo.