Thursday, March 08, 2012

Progress ...

I've heard from a handful of people who are making changes in life: learning new things, overcoming personal struggles, getting in shape, etc. Thank you all for letting me know you're out there — when I don't feel like working out or am intimidated by one of my objectives, I think of you guys. And Karen, of course. And I forge on.

So things are going well with getting strong. I'm working out regularly and really starting to enjoy it. I have the best 6-year-old personal trainer in the world, which helps. And I am starting to feel, if not quite see yet, results. I do feel stronger. A long way to go, but I'll get there.

Perhaps more interestingly, I'm on the road to becoming a hospice volunteer, or at least to see if I'd make a good fit. I had an initial phone interview, am going in next week to meet with someone in person, and will start my training in April and finish up in May. I initially thought I might not be able to work with patients and their families because of the time proximity of Karen's death, but found out that if I feel like I can handle it, they are OK with me volunteering in that capacity. It sounds weird, or maybe wrong, to say that I'm excited about working with the dying and their families, but I am.

Another possibility that is related to the hospice care is the possibility of getting our family dog, Betty, trained as a therapy dog. I had marked on my initial application that I was interested in pet therapy. I am — I have always thought that pet therapy is an amazing way to bring light into the lives of people who are sick or disabled. And I showed interest thinking I'd be working with other trained therapy dogs, but was told I'd have to have Betty certified.

When they told me that, a light went on. Betty is perfect for that. If you've never met her, she's one of the sweetest dogs I've ever known, even given the fact that she lives with two mini-tyrants (and their somewhat loud, tyrannical mom). And I know it sounds strange, but it just seems like Betty needs something like this. I think it would make her little dog life complete. So I'll be looking into that — if you know anything about therapy dogs or have experience in that area, let me know. 


1 comment:

The Scotts said...

yoga tomorrow morning?
