Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Rubber Duckies Galore!!

We've had these Google AdSense ads on our blog here for quite some time. I find most of them boring and uninspired. But this one is absolutely awesome:


On it you can get any kind of rubber ducky that some bath-toy designer can dream up. My favorites so far:

Punk Deluxe Duck
Rock Concert Duck
Devil Duckies
... and the somewhat ironically named Hunting Duck (Any idea what this little guy would hunt? Please visit the comments section and fire away.)

Anyway, if you're in the market for any rubber duckies, check it out.

A video of Wilder — looking like a drunken marauder — pushing his new walking toy around our living room
An update on teeth, health and the latest phases (at least we pray to God they're phases)
A date and theme is finally agreed upon for Wilder's first birthday party

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