Sunday, August 16, 2009

The bi-yearly portrait

So I've taken to taking portraits of the boys every six months (or so I'm trying), in February and August. Here's the latest:

Going to put the previous ones in a Picasa web album that I'll link to here once I get it done, along with some outtakes from the photo shoot. It gets harder every time to get them to sit still and not tackle each other for a few seconds so I can get a half decent shot. But I think it's worth it ... I love seeing the changes in their little faces, though it hurts my heart just a wee bit to see them growing so quickly.

Tomorrow, Wilder and I go meet his new pre-school teacher, Miss Cherry. I love that she has such a memorable name, and she's supposed to be the teacher-in-demand at this place, so I'm really hoping we like her.

More photos TK in a post soon, including a series of pics where the boys try to make Jerry's head pop off. Pretty funny stuff.

xo, k.


The Scotts said...

I wonder if there is some kind of convergence going on here. My (2) kindergarden teachers (as I recall) were named miss Lemon and Miss Melon.

-great pic hon!

Deb Davis said...

AWESOME pic! Thanks for keeping us up to speed! I'm still waiting to meet Hunter face-to-face! You guys need to do a trip to TN!

Mel said...

i love your bw portraits of the boys, keep doing it!

The Scotts said...

Thanks guys. :-) And yes, Deb ... we do. Hopefully soon. We're talking about Xmas maybe, too.
