Thursday, August 19, 2010

We're baaaaaaack

*sneaks back in the room; tries to pretend like she never went anywhere ...*

Well hello everyone. Yes, seems I took a little hiatus from blogging. Things happen, right? I mean, I think in the realm of excuses, I have some pretty good ones. I had a hangnail, after all. And it was a really hot summer. So hard to type when those things happen.

So anyway ... we moved to Colorado. Wait, let me retype that: WE MOVED TO COLORADO!!!!!

(OK, I'm back. I had to change my pants.) Yep, after many, many years of little prayers sent up into what felt like the void a lot of the time, and many, many discussions with Jerry, and then another couple of years thrown in for good measure and just to make sure I properly appreciated what we were getting ourselves into, we're here.

Every single day I get to turn left onto 112th in this new town we live in, Westminster, and see pretty much the entire Front Range laid out before me.

Thank you, Void. You have been more than kind to me.

Anyway, I don't want to get too ambitious with this, my first blog post since the Cretaceous Era. (Translation: The boys need breakfast.) I just wanted to say that this morning, I had one of those mornings that contained within it a scene that will no doubt be among those scenes that play out before your eyes when you're being delivered into the Great Beyond. The boys had climbed into bed with me and wanted to make a tent with the bed sheet. We were "hiding" from Papa, and they just had such sweet and excited smiles on their faces there in that soft, sheet-darkened morning light. I watched them, squeezed my eyes shut tight to imprint the image on my brain. And then I got my camera phone out to take some pictures. Here they are:

(PS. And oh, btw, if you're reading this, let me know in the comments below. I'd like to know if anyone still comes here. If not, I'll make sure to strong-arm ya'll into coming back ... much love.)


Maggie said...

I'm reading it. Glad you guys seem to be settling in so well. Looking forward to reading/seeing more pictures.

Patrick said...

I'm here as well! Looks like you guys are having a great time up there.

Anonymous said...

I'm here too, adorable pics! Welcome back, we missed you!

K said...

Anonymous ... who are you?

Mel said...

hey there, sounds like you have adjusted nicely. what a summer!

Vanessa said...

I am here.
Can't wait to see pics of the new neighborhood!

Sherry said...

Good to know that anonymous is still reading. I am too.

That's a good lookin' family you've got there Kris. Glad you're home - but will hate that you're not there when I swing thru Dallas.

Pop said...

Hey, Sharon & I are here too. Love the photos. We are so glad you guys are back where you feel at home. Pop

Amy D. said...


YES, I am still here, and reading your blog. THANK GOODNESS you are back on!! I know I told you I would be forced to go to facebook, but maybe not!! Hah.
Great pics, and you sound so very happy. SO glad for all the Scott family...but we truly do miss you here.
Take Care,!!

teriwil49 said...

Jer & all the black & white ..I always check when I read Locka's blog to see if you had come excited too<3

The Scotts said...

I'm here to darlin.
love you.

- Jer