Thursday, February 12, 2009


Jerry made a nice post about Wilderisms and Hunterisms the other day. You can read it here.

I've got two to add to it:

PYOOP (pee-yoop): It means "puke," as in "Damnit, Hunter just puked again!" But Wilder seems to be confusing puke and poop and just combining them. The way he says it is so forced; it definitely does not roll off the tongue.

And this new one today:

Sun 'jamas: I was just now putting him down for his nap, and he was still in his jammies. I went ahead and changed him into normal clothes so he'd be ready for his playdate when he woke up, and he asked: "Mama, are these my sun 'jamas?" It took me a second to recognize the brilliance in that question, but then it hit me. Night 'jamas for bedtime, sun 'jamas for naptime.

1 comment:

Mel said...

Sun 'jamas!

How kee-yoot!