Sunday, January 08, 2006

Heatwave in the Big D

Well, we've had 80-plus degree temps this weekend, so what better to do on a seasonably mild day than hit the lake with kid in tow to have a picnic, play Frisbee, read and just generally relax. We went to White Rock Lake, which is only a couple miles from our house and is one of the coolest places in Dallas to hang out outdoors. It was great. The seagulls were out in force, there was a sailboat regatta going on, TONS of people were out so good people watching and so much new stuff for Wilder to check out. The last time he was there he was still in my belly, three days before he was born.

So anyway, we had a great time. Wilder spent most of it hanging out on his play gym, which he's grown to absolutely love (see pics below). It's a great little tool for learning -- he grabs at things and it gives him plenty of room to practice rolling over, too, which he's trying to do more and more. Once he was done working out his body and brain, we draped his Pop's shirt over the top to make a shade canopy and Wilder took a little nap while we both got some good quality reading time in (Jerry's turned me into a sci-fi geek -- I'm reading a 1950s classic, "Day of the Triffids" ... REALLY good so far. )

My return to work is going pretty well. I haven't quite hit my stride yet but working on it. And Nanny B, as we call Brenda, is doing a fantastic job with Wilder. She's lived in Dallas her whole life and her husband owns the local cafe where all the neighborhood misfits (and some normal people) hang out, so he's probably already met more people in one week than I have in my five years here. Who says you can't get socialized with at-home care? ; ) (Will post a pic of Wilder and Nanny B here soon.)

Bedtime looms. Love to all!

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