Monday, December 25, 2006

Wilder on Christmas: "Yule Rules!!"

Well, our first real Christmas (we don't count last year when Wilder was but a wee gelatinous blob o' flesh still) went great. Wilder is teething and has therefore had a tiny bit of the turd in him the last couple days, and last night he kept Jerry and I up more than an hour voicing his displeasure at Santa not having arrived in the actual flesh yet, but this morning, despite puffy eyes (Wilder, me AND Jer), he was doing the "YAY IT'S CHRISTMAS" dance, which consists of some wild shuffling of the feet coinciding with rather loud intonations of joy.

To sum it up, he got a junkload of toys, most of which he's enjoyed rather well today, a few the puppy has enjoyed (read: half-mutilated) as well, and only one, if I can recall correctly at the end of a VERY LONG day, that I regret buying (Note to Dress Me Elmo: Shut the HELL up already. No one cares about your shoelace.) Favorites? Bongo drums. A toy vacuum. And some puzzles that are fun to take apart (put together? not on your life.).

Anyway, enough rambling. The kid is sleeping, I haven't taken a shower much less brushed my teeth (yes, it's 8:25 p.m. -- eww), AND I've got a bottle of Grand Marnier to dive into once I'm cleaned up. I'll let the pics below tell the remainder of the story. But suffice to say: WOW WOW WOW ... kids sure make Christmas fun.

"Look you guys! This really cool Radio Flyer Rocket has BUUUUUTTTTOOONNNNNS!"

"I know you can ride it, but did I mention it has BUUUTOOOOOOOONNNNNS?!?"

Wilder unwraps his bongo drums. Now, for his Matthew McConaughey impression ... kidding!

Cheap rubber dinosaurs are cool ... LOOK!

Hanging with grandad (note the hand on grandad's beer bottle ... nice try kid)

Cuddling with Aunt Cati

Who is this elfen cutie who has invaded our house?


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