Saturday, March 22, 2008

Hunter Nathaniel Scott

Hi all, Jer here
Kris is having a little breakfast (if you want to call it that.) It looks like four cubes of jello and some watery yellow soup. oh, and frozen artificial grape 'juice'. I guess that's what city folks call dessert.

anyway, on to the reason your here...

Hunter less than 10 minutes old all cleaned up and madder than hell.

Hunter with goo in his eyes, all roughed up and now with a bonus! An ice cold piece of metal adhered to his wee lil chest.

Myself, Kris, Dr. Norwood and wee lil' Hunter. Hunter's the one in the colorful cap.

The indomitable K and Popeye.

love to all,
Jer out.


Mel said...

GO SCOTTS! Congratulations to all of you, he looks like a fine, fine boy!

Anonymous said...

super great! when can we expect #3? LOL


Anonymous said...

what a great looking family - can't wait to meet Hunter! By the way, Happy Birthday Kris.

Matt/Sarah said...

He beautiful, Congrats!
Sarah (Rocket Science)