Thursday, November 13, 2008

Scenes from a week

Since I rarely have time to post here anymore, I thought I'd do more of these kinds of posts: taking photos with my iPhone and then getting them up every so often. I know it's the photos of the kids that most of you come here for anyway, rather than my idiotic ramblings. So enjoy, here's Round One in Scenes From a Week:

Wilder this morning before school. I thought he look so handsome. It took me probably 15 frames to get this and the one below. The others were a blur, because he NEVER sits still these days. He defines kinetic energy. He also embodies the dedication it takes to exhaust a mama.

Another photo of Wilder looking "sharp." That's what Jerry tells him when he's dressed, combed, brushed, etc. "You look sharp, sunshine." So Wilder has taken to looking in the mirror or at photos of himself and saying, "Oooh, I look shaaaarp."

Hunter just before he and I took a long walk on Monday. He was out sick from school, and although it was just barely misting and we probably shouldn't have been outside, we went anyway. Sometimes, fresh air is the antidote. I didn't want to jinx it before now, but H is sleeping a lot more at night now. He's also trying like mad to crawl, has 7 teeth and will mimic many words, including Mama, Papa, Brother (brudda), up (as in, get out of bed now), and Jerry and I both have heard something akin to "I love you," which sounds more like "I-wuh-woo." Of course we don't think he knows what he's saying, but he seems to be a pretty good mimic of things he hears us say around the house a lot. And I expect he'll be talking a lot earlier than Wilder did. Of course, he listens to Wilder talk non-stop during the day, so I assume that helps develop that little language center in his brain.

Wilder and his new kitty friend, "Blue," so named by us because of her piercing blue eyes. She's either a neighbor's cat or just the alley cat taken care of by everybody. Whatever her status, she's taken to Wilder. We've never seen her out of the alley, but the other morning we were playing in the front yard, and she must have heard his voice, because she came running. And she stayed as close by his side as she could until we decided to come back inside. As far as Jerry is concerned, she's the best kind of cat. Friendly, a way for Wilder to fulfill his need for kitty love, but OUTSIDE.
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1 comment:

The Scotts said...

great post darlin'
that first sot if Wilder turned out awesome!
