Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sunday Scenes: Nov. 16

Here are few photos from our day.

Though he was emotionally allergic to all things hat-related for the first three years of his life, Wilder has recently discovered the fun of donning different hats. He finds one around the house, he puts it on his head. He's taken to wearing a winter hat advertising Jameson's whiskey to school on cold days.

Hunter fast asleep. This kid can -- finally and do I hear the angels singing? -- sleep. One night this week he slept 12 hours straight. Pretty much every night now he's in bed by 6 p.m., if not sooner. Of course, this means he's wide awake at 5:15 a.m. This takes a little getting use to, but sleeping (mostly) through the night is sleeping through the night. I'll take 5:15 a.m. There's coffee in this world and I'm not afraid to mainline it directly into my veins. I mean, drink it.

Sometimes, apparently, a boy's just GOTTA do what the baby does. In this case, fold his rather extensive limbs into a small sink for bath time. I have a feeling they'll both be bathing like this for awhile. Oh well, it's easier on the back.
Hunter in all his glory, post bath.
Just a cute photo of my little Hunter and his beautiful eyes.


Anonymous said...

It's weird, but I can see a trace of Mom in that picture of Wilder with the hat on.

Anonymous said...

I see it, too. I totally saw Colin in there, but now that you mention it, I see her, too. He's such a fascinating mix of both our and Jerry's families.