Sunday, October 05, 2008

To sleep, the impossible sleep

OK, I made a post a couple weeks ago alluding to Hunter sleeping through the night. It was kind of a desperation post, made to self-delude and all; because he really only slept from about midnight to 5 a.m. and, well, that's not really through the night, is it?

But, this morning ... this morning the sun is shining brighter. I have a spring in my step. The air feels crisp and cool and the birds are chirping and I have a new lease on life. Why? Because from 8:30 p.m. to 6:30 a.m. -- count 'em, 10 GLORIOUS HOURS -- he slept. Didn't cry, didn't fret, not so much as a peep. I of course woke up at some point and had to fight the urge to sprint to his room to make sure he was OK. Eventually I nodded back off and he, of course, was fine. At 6:30 he even crawled in bed with me, nursed and then went BACK to sleep for almost 2 hours. Wow.

The funny thing is that last night we had some old friends from Denver over. And I was talking to one of them, Ann, about how he still hasn't slept through the night. And she made the comment: "Well, you willed him in the womb to be a good baby, just will him to sleep through the night." So, I swear I did this ... went to bed last night and sat there with my eyes closed and all my concentration and sent vibes to the baby's crib while thinking: "Hunter, you CAN sleep all night. You can. You can do it." I thought it until I believed it. And then I nodded off.

And then I woke up at 6:30 a.m. and smiled. Man, life is GOOD this morning.

And, because no post is as good without photos as it is with photos, here's a totally random one of Wilder and Ann and Rob's son, Kieran, from last night:

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