Sunday, January 29, 2012


It really sucks when the one person you want to talk to about feeling so horribly sad is the person who is gone.

Today it is really hitting hard. All the chaos and commotion of the past week is over. I wrote and gave a eulogy at her funeral, and the sense of closure and peace I got from that has worn off. I watched some video, shot by Jerry last August, of Reagan's birthday party and it just socked me in the gut.

I am just so damn mad that this happened. I miss my friend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have stumbled into your world on line just upon the death of your dear friend, and I can tell she is smiling upon you with your beautiful sharing (the light ~ amazing the signs we see) of her and your love for her. I am sorry for your loss and all those who knew her.