Monday, February 16, 2009

If only we had mountains for neighbors ...

This past weekend, somewhat impulsively, Jerry and I decided to set up the tent in the front yard. Well, it was my suggestion. Jerry did the actual setting up. Anyway, it was still a little cold to throw the boys into it to sleep, but we wanted them to crawl around in it, feel the wonder of it, etc. It was a hit, though when I asked Wilder if he'd like to sleep out there, he looked at me like I'd just suggested he ritualistically set his Buzz Lightyear on fire. We'll have to work on that.

So we set it up Saturday afternoon and left it in the yard overnight. The next morning, I wanted to show Wilder what it would be like to cook breakfast and eat outside, so I broke out the Coleman stove and cooked eggs with blue cheese and garlic and fried some bacon. Jerry brought out the French press and made coffee to put hair on your chest. We sat in the tent's vestibule and ate, while Hunter napped happily in his crib inside the house (he'd had a good romp inside the tent, hugging and soggifying Betty for quite some time).

Wilder seemed to think the idea of eating outside wasn't too big a deal, though he talked about how he loved the eggs over and over. And really, that's what always happens to me when I cook outside; I always think everything tastes so much better. So maybe I've cast the spell after all ...

I imagine as the weather warms, we'll be doing this somewhat regularly. It's not hiking in for three hours and being surrounded by mountains and cold high-altitude lakes, but it's better than nothing, I guess. And it gets the boys primed for the eventual move back to Colorado.

So anyway, here's come pics:

Wilder helps Jer hang Hunter's tree swing.


Jeff said...

We should so try camping at Glen Rose again. Very cool way to spend your Sunday.

The Scotts said...

I was there and this looks fun as hell.
and yeah, those were some most excellent eggs.
