Friday, February 15, 2008

In our future: Soil and toil

This is probably madness, given Hunter's impending arrival, but Jerry and I have just committed to maintaining a 190-plus square foot plot in a brand new community garden near us. Our only hesitation was being able to adhere to the organizers' guidelines — planting three seasons out of the year being the most daunting, as well as the maintenance factor — given having two munchkins, but then I thought: What the hell else do we do in our down time? We both love to garden and have fresh veggies, and I think Wilder will really enjoy helping us out this year. I'll just strap that baby to my back like women the world over do and get out there and sweat, right?! 

Stop laughing. 

Well, madness or not, we're excited. Let's just see what happens ...

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